Hybrid approaches to salary structures

"One does not simply build a salary structure" Following up on my previous posts on the differences in globally graded vs traditional salary structures and job-based approaches vs salary structures, I'd like to add one more piece to make it a trilogy. But hopefully a good trilogy like the Before trilogy or Lord of the... Continue Reading →

Six initiatives to combat inflation in 2022

Originally posted on the Nua Blog: Inflation is the new hot topic among economists. Consumer Price Index (CPI) indicates the cost for all consumer goods rose by 0.8% in November and called into question the notion that 2021 price increases were only a temporary spike. While economists debate whether inflation will continue to rise and... Continue Reading →

“An MBO”?

I hear this usage a lot, "Maybe we can give them an MBO" or "I'd like to include MBOs in the plan". However, this doesn't really make sense so permit me a short rant if you will. MBO stands for "Management By Objectives" which means it isn't a measure, it is a process. The approach... Continue Reading →

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